Addictions Nursing Care Post-Graduate Certificate Subspecialty

  • 律师正在和办公室里的夫妇谈话.
  • 辅导员对写在书上的人讲话.
  • 律师和女人坐在沙发上聊天.


Subspecialties are specialty areas not considered primary areas of advanced practice nursing. Students in all programs can add these subspecialties.

The Addictions Nursing post-graduate certificate offers didactic and clinical courses to prepare advance practice nursing students who are trained, certified, and engaged in addictions nursing practice in communities on a local, regional, and national level. The program provides didactic and clinical education in addictions nursing science along with clinical skills simulation and practicum experiences specific to addictions using an innovative format designed to encourage further exploration in addictions nursing topics including opioid use disorder (OUD)/substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment, and recovery in integrated health care and telehealth settings.


▼   Curriculum
  • HSC580 Opioid/Substance Use Disorders Prevention and Screening in Integrated Health 护理和远程保健- 2学时         
  • HSC581 Opioid/Substance Use Disorders Assessment and Treatment in Integrated Health 护理和远程保健- 2学时
  • HSC582 Opioid/Substance Use Disorders Recovery/Systems-Oriented Practice in Integrated 保健/远程保健- 2学时          
  • NU510成瘾实习I - 1学分            
  • NU511 Addictions Practicum II - 2 credit hours
  • NU512 Addictions Practicum III - 2 credit hours
  • NU 513 Addictions Practicum IV – 4 credit hours (Elective)

**NU513 is an optional course designed to meet the educational requirements for Certified Addictions Registered Nurse Advanced Practice (CARN-AP) Certification.

For more information regarding the CARN-AP please see their website

  • Students in the Addictions Nursing subspecialty are required to attend a mandatory on-campus skills intensive held at the 美国护理学院. 强制性临床 Skills Intensive (CSI) includes skills workshops and simulation labs.

    Addictions Nursing Clinical Skills Intensives Dates for students the subspecialty:

    • 临床技能强化(CSI): TBA

Students currently in a graduate program may add a subspecialty to their current schedule without applying for admission to that subspecialty. 学生应联络他们的 advisor for assistance with a new curriculum schedule.

Prospective students who only want to return to complete a Post Graduate Certificate subspecialty are required to contact the graduate advisor for the MSN program and complete the appropriate admission requirements.


For more information about this subspecialty, please contact Dr. Kimberly A. Williams,协调员,at or Dr. 凯瑟琳·麦考伊,联合协调员

This website is supported by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling 大约1美元.3 million with zero percentage financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by HRSA, HHS or the U. S. Government.