Frequently Asked Questions


The CCP program requires full-time study (3-4 courses per semester). 学生 are receiving doctoral graduate 助教奖学金 are not allowed to be employed outside CCP项目.


CCP 类 are offered during 9-5 hours, with only a few evening 类 and/or online 类.


The CCP program is an in-residence program, i.e. the vast majority of training experience occur in face-to-face coursework. Web-based learning is utilized in some 类, but the program as a whole is a traditional day time program.


The CCP program consists of a minimum of 5 years of post-Bachelors study. 一些学生 will take longer than 5 years to complete the program though. 在前4年 these years you will complete an M.S. degree in psychology including a research thesis, followed by two more years of doctoral coursework including a dissertation. 第五个 year consists of a capstone internship typically occurs in another region/location and procured through the APPIC match. 学生 applying to the program having already earned a masters degree in psychology may receive credit for some courses already taken but will typically still take between 4-5 years to complete the CCP program.


The goal CCP项目 is to provide doctoral 助教奖学金 to all admitted students, which include a stipend and tuition waivers in exchange for 20 hours per week of work for the CCP program faculty. However, assistantship funding is not guaranteed. Typically stipends are $11,000 per year and most, if not all, tuition is funded through 助教奖学金.