Dual Role (Family NP/紧急NP)




双重家庭执业护士(FNP)/急诊执业护士(ENP)计划 使护士具备直接管理病人所需的经验 除初级保健机构外,还可用于紧急、紧急和创伤护理机构.


十大玩彩信誉平台(美国)双FNP/ENP项目提供硕士学位 学位课程.

结合动态课程,校内技能强化和临床 经验,双FNP/ENP课程准备学生提供护理病人 of all ages. 临床环境可能包括初级保健诊所、紧急护理办公室、 emergency departments, and emergency ground/air transport services. 我们严格的FNP/ENP curriculum consists of the following:

  • 57学时
  • 840学时实习  
  • 2个校内临床重症(2023年开始3个校内临床重症)

毕业后,学生将有资格参加家庭护士执业 and Emergency Nurse Practitioner exams for board certification. 毕业生必须持有 家庭执业护士证书,以便申请并获得资格 参加美国急诊护士执业委员会认证考试 Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board. FNP/ENP的就业机会 该计划的毕业生包括各种临床环境,如初级保健办公室, 急诊诊所、急诊科快车道区、主要急诊科、 还有创伤复苏单元.


急诊NP专业的学生需要参加NP临床技能强化课程 (CSI) provided by the USA Simulation Program.  These on-campus 临床技能强化s include basic skills workshops, simulation labs, and clinical exams. 对于所有强制性的 访问,学生将只参加一个会议日期列出,并将有一个 一旦美国模拟部门通知,有机会请求首选日期. 日期将由美国模拟部公布前三个月 预定的会议. Please note the dates are for 临床技能强化s only. 轨道协调员可能会提供定向日期,这是独立于CSI和 Simulation.

目前在2023年秋季开始临床的学生将完成三个阶段的临床 技能密集型. Two phases remain for students on this plan of study.

Phase 2第二次强制性CSI将在夏季学期之前涵盖应急技能 enrolled in NU 585/586.

ENP Phase 2 临床技能强化 Dates 2024:   参见USA Simulation Program

PHASE 3: 第三次强制性CSI将在学生入学的秋季学期进行 在最后的临床课程中 NU 587/588.

临床技能强化 Check-Off (Dual Role Phase 3) Dates 2024:  参见USA Simulation Program

目前的学生在2024年秋季开始临床,之后将完成两个阶段 临床技能强化.

Phase 1: 从2024年开始,第一次强制性CSI将在春季进行 student is enrolled in clinical course NU 583/584.

Dual FNP/ENP Phase 1 临床技能强化 Dates 2025: 参见USA Simulation Program

Phase 2: 第二次强制性CSI将在学生入学的秋季学期进行 在最后的临床课程中 NU 587/588.

临床技能强化 Check-Off (Phase 2) Dates 2024:  参见USA Simulation Program


BSN-DNP学生完成所有支持,MSN专业,DNP核心,DNP项目规划 & 发展及居住 courses for a total of 69 credit hours. 以下 完成MSN学位所需的DNP核心课程:NU 607, NU 608, NU 610和NU 613.  Both MSN and DNP degrees must be completed within seven years. MSN部分必须在项目的前五年内完成.

MSN-DNP学生增加一个新的专业必须完成支持课程,如果他们 have not previously completed the courses in their MSN program.  他们必须完成 专业课程和辅助课程,如果需要的话,完成研究生 Certificate. The DNP core, DNP Project Planning & Development, and Residency courses are required for completion of the DNP degree.  This program is a total of 72 or 81 credit hours, if support courses are needed. The Post-Graduate Certificate must be completed within two calendar years. The student has seven years to complete both the Post-Graduate Certificate and DNP degree for this program.

mnn -DNP高级实践角色必须只完成DNP核心,DNP项目规划 & Development, and Residency courses to complete the DNP degree. 这总共是 36学时. 学生总共有五年的时间来完成学位要求.

NU 518 - Advanced Nursing Assessment 3 credit hours
NU 545 - Physio-pathological Basis of Advanced Nursing 3 credit hours
NU 578 - Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses 3 credit hours
NU 580 – Health Promotion/Disease Prevention & FNP/ENP 2学分的问题
NU 581 – Family/紧急NP I 5 credit hours
NU 582 -家庭/急诊NP实习I - 120临床学时2学时
NU 583 – Family/紧急NP II 5 credit hours
NU 584 -家庭/急诊NP实习II - 240临床学时4学分
NU 585 – Family/紧急NP III 5 credit hours
NU 586 -家庭/急诊NP实习III - 240临床学时4学分
NU 587 – Family/紧急NP IV 5 credit hours
NU 588 -家庭/急诊NP实习IV - 240临床学时4学时
NU 607 -高级护理实践的科学基础3学分
NU 608 -医疗保健循证实践和质量改进3学时
NU 610 - Healthcare Policy and Finance 3 credit hours
NU 613 -组织 & 系统领导3学时
NU 611 - Translating Evidence Into Practice Systems 3 credit hours
NU 612 - Clinical Prevention and Population Health 3 credit hours
NU 615 - Quality Improvement and Outcomes Assessment 3 credit hours
NU 616 -数据管理 & Decision Making in Complex Healthcare Systems 3 credit hours
Dual Role (Family NP/紧急NP) DNP Project Planning & 发展及居住
NU 680 -家庭/应急NP项目规划与开发3学时
NU 681 -家庭/急诊NP住院医师I 180专业临床学时3学时
NU 682 -家庭/急诊NP住院医师II 180专业临床学时3学时
NU 683 -家庭/急诊NP住院医师III 180专业临床学时3学时
▼   Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Certification

十大玩彩信誉平台护理科学硕士(MSN)课程提供 the skills necessary for a rewarding career. Graduates are eligible and prepared to 完成相应的国家认证考试,申请执业执照 as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). It is the graduate’s responsibility 以确保该计划符合他们所选择的州或地区的实践要求 U.S. territory.


请随时联系 Dr. 韦斯利·戴维斯 for more information about this specialty: wesleydavis@euroins.net.

目前,我们不接受以下FNP/ENP专业的学生 states: Louisiana, South Dakota, and New York.

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